Wednesday, May 14, 2008

reflection of a failed startup founder (ZT)

Why has it been difficulty in doing startups in past few years in

--- reflection of a failed startup founder

From my own startup experience and observing some of my startup
founder friends' experience, I realize that it has very difficulty
in doing startups in USA in last few years. This also supported by
latest VC report. In last few years, total return for VC industry
was negative.

Why has it been difficulty in doing startups in past few years in
USA, in my opinions:

1. There was no big waves in last few years
We had a few minor waves, such as:
Social network,
Online Advertising,
Mobile applications.

But these small waves are nothing to compare with PC revolution or
Internet revolution.

2. Semiconductor, Telecom and Networking industry become slow
growth industry.

3. Because above 1. and 2, it implies there is not big
opportunities for entrepreneurs. That is also the reason why VCs are
chasing green technologies, because they do not have any other good
things to invest.

4. Since there is no big breakthrough, startup founders all
tried to a niche market. That is absolute nothing wrong with
starting from a niche market, (in fact, it might be the only right
way to start a venture). However, the issue is that, niche stays as
a niche and could not grow to a big market.

5. Because US has a highly efficient market, (not like in
China, there are many gaps to fill), unless there is fundamental
breakthrough, otherwise, it will not have big wave, therefore, no
much opportunities for new ventures.

From Entrepreneur to intrapreneur
(Reflection of a failed startup founder)

After closed my startup, I joined a company as a pay-check employee.
Gaining from my entrepreneurship experience, in fact, I enjoyed my
employee life better. What I have learnt from my startup experience
is that: It is all about marketing and sales. And marketing and
sales are all about connections.

These days, even though I worked as an engineer in the company, I
treated everything I do as a marketing and sales job. Everyday I
asked myself the following questions:

1. Am I better known in my company and in industry today comparing
to yesterday ?

2. Treat my engineering job as a marketing and sales job. I need to
sell myself to my manager, managers of managers, corporation
executives and outside customers.

3. Did I do more networking today ? Did I know more potential
customers ? At the end of the day, selling is about "relations".

4. My current plan is that if I do my intrepreneurship well, next
time when I do a startup, even though I might start from a clean
slate. In fact, it is not, it still can be considered as a "spin-
off", because I will have existing customer relations.

Learn from a good model and do what you enjoy
Reflection of a failed startup founder III

--- Learn from a good model ----
In doing a startup in any field, try to see if you can find a good
successful model in this field, then to see if his profile match
yours. If his profile does not match yours, it means that is not a
field for you.

1. Social network websites: Successful startup founders are typical
early twenty college dropout. If you are not in this categories,
maybe this field maybe not for you.

2. If you are trying to do a B2B website, think about Ma Yun. He is
a guy who failed college entrance examination three times, had you
failed college entrance examination three times ? If not, maybe B2B
is not for you.

3. If you are already not 20s or 30s, but in your 40s, then you
shall look the startups which are founded by people in their 40s.
These website ideas around ¡°coolness¡± are not for you, leave them to

4. If you are really good at math, maybe you shall look at Jim

--- Do what you really enjoy ---
As Robin Li put as:

Do something you are good at and you really enjoy, then money and
fame will follow. (At least, you will enjoy them during the process).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


今天晚上去听了百度创始人李彦宏在湾区的讲座。3个小时,San Jose DoubleTree Hotel 的演讲厅挤满了人。包括我在内,大家都对中国的互联网的未来充满了关注。这里摘录了李在座谈中的一些观点和我的一点感想与大家分享。

1) 门户 (sohu & sina)
2) 游戏 ( 盛大 )
3) 虚拟社区 (QQ)
4) Search and eCommerce
- Paid search advertising will grow rapidly for the next 5 - 15 years

- 书卷气,讲话很儒雅
- persistent,他对IPO的执着 - Reject multiple offers from big players like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.
- very confident, 他的经历告诉他百度可以击败包括Google在内的国际巨头,对阿里妈妈不屑一顾。
- Not very social
- 可能会过于执着于自己的意见,百度的未来大部取决于他个人的决策。(tell from the fact that his COO and CTO all left the company and how he choose the new CFO and COO)

Why Robin Li can be successful?
- Focus on the thing he wants to do and do it well. Don't plan what may not happen or think too much.
* His life path (循规蹈矩)
* His business decision ( Go IPO, Focus on Search )
* 对种菜也很执着和认真
- 做自己喜欢的事,和做自己擅长的事
- 我个人认为,李的创业成功有他的偶然性,赶上了互联网搜索的发展大潮,但是成功上市和占有中国搜索70%以上的市场份额却是由李个性和智慧集合的必然型决定的。有很多值得我们学习借鉴的地方。

- How to maintain the talents in the company
* Similar incentives as US company
* Hire fresh graduates for the Engineers because lots of talented engineers in China will move to sales/support after a few years engineering work.
* Depends heavily on the 网虫(Community) to make their product decision (similar to the open source model)

- How to choose the partner
* 互补型
* 人品 or Personality
* A familiar person

- 创业的早期是没有选择去pick the employees,真诚的对待每一个员工, 运气很好才会碰到好的员工
- 从用户的角度出发来寻找下一个机会

About the Chinese Advertising Market:
- GDP grows at 8% ,
- offline ad grows at 8%x2
- Online ad grows at 8%x4
- Online paid search ad @ 8% x 8
- Baidu paid search ad @ 8% x 16