Tuesday, May 13, 2008


今天晚上去听了百度创始人李彦宏在湾区的讲座。3个小时,San Jose DoubleTree Hotel 的演讲厅挤满了人。包括我在内,大家都对中国的互联网的未来充满了关注。这里摘录了李在座谈中的一些观点和我的一点感想与大家分享。

1) 门户 (sohu & sina)
2) 游戏 ( 盛大 )
3) 虚拟社区 (QQ)
4) Search and eCommerce
- Paid search advertising will grow rapidly for the next 5 - 15 years

- 书卷气,讲话很儒雅
- persistent,他对IPO的执着 - Reject multiple offers from big players like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.
- very confident, 他的经历告诉他百度可以击败包括Google在内的国际巨头,对阿里妈妈不屑一顾。
- Not very social
- 可能会过于执着于自己的意见,百度的未来大部取决于他个人的决策。(tell from the fact that his COO and CTO all left the company and how he choose the new CFO and COO)

Why Robin Li can be successful?
- Focus on the thing he wants to do and do it well. Don't plan what may not happen or think too much.
* His life path (循规蹈矩)
* His business decision ( Go IPO, Focus on Search )
* 对种菜也很执着和认真
- 做自己喜欢的事,和做自己擅长的事
- 我个人认为,李的创业成功有他的偶然性,赶上了互联网搜索的发展大潮,但是成功上市和占有中国搜索70%以上的市场份额却是由李个性和智慧集合的必然型决定的。有很多值得我们学习借鉴的地方。

- How to maintain the talents in the company
* Similar incentives as US company
* Hire fresh graduates for the Engineers because lots of talented engineers in China will move to sales/support after a few years engineering work.
* Depends heavily on the 网虫(Community) to make their product decision (similar to the open source model)

- How to choose the partner
* 互补型
* 人品 or Personality
* A familiar person

- 创业的早期是没有选择去pick the employees,真诚的对待每一个员工, 运气很好才会碰到好的员工
- 从用户的角度出发来寻找下一个机会

About the Chinese Advertising Market:
- GDP grows at 8% ,
- offline ad grows at 8%x2
- Online ad grows at 8%x4
- Online paid search ad @ 8% x 8
- Baidu paid search ad @ 8% x 16


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